You may remember that last year CuisinEtc catered a wonderful Sephardic influenced second night Passover Seder for the congregation at the Actors Temple in midtown Manhattan. This wonderful old NYC synagogue
This is our second year and extereme pleasure of
working with Rabbi Jill Hausman
of the Actors Temple in Hell's Kitchen New York City
on the westside of Manhattan
(real estate agents call Hells Kitchen "Clinton" or Clinton Heights
but the traditional new york city name
is Hells Kitchen and we are proud of it) -
so off the culinary team here at cuisinEtc
embarks on another culinary adventure
passover seder catering for a wonderful historic temple
or as my kosher frum friends would say
That may be a pesach seder - but it's certainly not kosher
The Actor's Temple
Hells Kitchen New York City
Thursday, April 9th at 6 PM:
Dairy/Fish/Vegetable Dinner
catered by Creative Cuisinetc,
with reservations required.
Funny enough the small historic synagogue
is housed right next door to a previous home away from home,
our son Ben's elementary school - for those of you who don't know
is our avid collegiate debator - once again, working at the Actors Temple
is a walk down memory lane for us, to an "old neigborhood"
In any case, Rabbi Jill and the culinary team at CuisinEtc catering
came up with a selection
of fish dairy menus featuring fresh salmon
that would be kosher style -
for the temples second night seder service and dinner.
following along with kosher style,
since we are serving dairy items, no meat, chicken or poultry
(like chicken soup, chopped liver, or pot roast)
can be served with this meal.
Here's what we will be serving next month -
Hopefully this year we will have time to take some photos
during the seder dinner. But thought you would all
enjoy looking at the ecclectic NYC Manhattan style passover seder menu
CuisinEtc is serving this year
Many thanks to my kosher catering
friends for their assistance and patience
in guiding me through this process.
For anyone looking for kosher caterers throughout the United States
please don't hesitate to contact me
and I can probably hook you up from coast to coast
via my networking contacts and good friends
in the kosher and non kosher catering business.
I recently heard an elderly woman comment that she marks the passage of time by the Jewish holidays.
Well Purim has just passed and we are on the road to Passover
- or Pesach as my religious friends would say.
One of my very dear friends, sister in arms and fellow catering buddy,
Mimi Markowsky, of Elite Kosher Catering in West Bloomfield,
right outside of Detroit, is already getting ready for the onslaught
of orders she and her kitchen crew will produce for Pesach 2009.
For those of you in the Detroit area- you cannt go wrong to give Mimi
a call about your Pesach Seder needs.
From traditional to avante garde Mimi Markowsky of Elite Kosher Catering, a maven of Passover, Jewish Holidays and Gourmet Food in general.
Back to the New York City and Manhattan Passover Catering scene.
As always the challenge for the culinary team here at CuisinEtc, is
as boutique caterers we don't follow set menus but customize every event,
and we want to offer food that is
**healthy yet delicious and nutritious**,
**appropriate to the occasion**
(in this case lots of restrictions
because of "kosher for passover style"
which I'll address shortly)
**not too way out **
- appealing to a variety of sophisticated New York palates,
but also to folks who want the comfort food that holiday meals often provide
Menu A
The Actors Temple
Second Night Pesach Seder Dinner Buffet
Services Start at 6:00 pm
Buffet Dinner Service to start by 8:00 pm

Menu Passover 2009
Roasted Salmon Moroccan Style
Sassy Sephardic Salmon –
filet of salmon seared in a Med Rim spice rub, nestled in a bed of aramelized onions and carrots
and finished with a honey-lemon reduction sauce
Vegetarian Alternative:
Fritada de Espinaca
- Creamy Sephardic spinach-cheese casserole
Med Rim Spinach Salad
- fresh spinach, chiffonade of fresh basil and watercress with marinated artichokes & cherry tomatoes tossed with a pomegranite balsamic vinaigrette
Thai Inspired Broccoli Salad
- Fresh Broccoli with Sweet & Tangy Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Colorful Bell Peppers & Roasted Cashews (not spicy)

- Cardamom and Spice Roasted Sweet Potato
and our Fabulous Signature Dessert Finale:
“Rivers of Sweets”
A bountiful display of ”flowing” river of
dark kosher for Pesach chocolate
Surrounded by dippable goodies such as
coconut macaroons, meringue cookies,
kosher for Pesach marshmallows, fresh fruit
such as strawberries,pineapple
grapes, and more
interested in using CuisinEtc for your New York City passover catering
or for an upcoming milestone event like a bar or bat mitzvah
and want a menu and event that
speaks to who your family represents culturally and personally -
here at CuisinEtc we are always happy to work closely with you to
design and execute the event you envision!
Services Start at 6:00 pm
Buffet Dinner Service to start by 8:00 pm
Menu Passover 2009
Roasted Salmon Moroccan Style
Sassy Sephardic Salmon –
filet of salmon seared in a Med Rim spice rub, nestled in a bed of aramelized onions and carrots
and finished with a honey-lemon reduction sauce
Vegetarian Alternative:
Fritada de Espinaca
- Creamy Sephardic spinach-cheese casserole
Med Rim Spinach Salad
- fresh spinach, chiffonade of fresh basil and watercress with marinated artichokes & cherry tomatoes tossed with a pomegranite balsamic vinaigrette
Thai Inspired Broccoli Salad
- Fresh Broccoli with Sweet & Tangy Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Colorful Bell Peppers & Roasted Cashews (not spicy)
- Cardamom and Spice Roasted Sweet Potato
and our Fabulous Signature Dessert Finale:
“Rivers of Sweets”
A bountiful display of ”flowing” river of
dark kosher for Pesach chocolate
Surrounded by dippable goodies such as
coconut macaroons, meringue cookies,
kosher for Pesach marshmallows, fresh fruit
such as strawberries,pineapple
grapes, and more
interested in using CuisinEtc for your New York City passover catering
or for an upcoming milestone event like a bar or bat mitzvah
and want a menu and event that
speaks to who your family represents culturally and personally -
here at CuisinEtc we are always happy to work closely with you to
design and execute the event you envision!