We love
Here's one of the lastest trends - as seen in this article on NPRs blog
listen to the NPR radiocast and try some of the recipes below
(courtesy of the NPR blogpost)
read chowhound post here....... LOVE
am certainly are not alone in that addiction.
Have you noticed that all sorts of interesting bacon enhanced
foods are popping up in the news and on menus lately.
Have to say that CuisinEtc has been on to this trend for a while
and you may remember the Elmer's Fudd Delight
that was part of the Wine Country Tasting Menu that we helped Susan Parish Schwab cater in Healdsburg California last November.
We have been serving Chocolate Dipped Bacon
at NYC Catered Events ever since
and our clients certainly love it too!
CuisinEtc even used the recipe for Chocolate Dipped Bacon
when we were catering for Christmas Eve in Baton Rouge Louisiana.
It's fairly easy to make and a fun thing to serve your guests
Chocolate Dipped Bacon aka "Elmer Fudd's Delight"
Buy some thick cut sliced bacon
we actually bought Neiman Ranch Applewood Bacon
as well as the Ultra Thick Cut version from Costco (in the section with the hummous)
and preferred the Costco version for this recipe.
Lay the bacon out on a cookie or sheet pan
lined with parchment paper (makes cleanup so much easier)
and bake at 350 until crispy
drain, pat off excess grease and let cool.
You can cut the bacon in half lengthwise at this point
or just cut some of them in half
so that you have various lengths for display.
Melt GOOD quality MILK chocolate
approximately 1/2 pound of chocolate per pound of bacon
(you may have to come up with some fun thing to do with the left over chocolate)
for some reason the juxtapostition of the
creamy sweet milk chocolate with the
salty fatty bacon works better than dark chocolate
one of the few instances I would recommend
milk chocolate over dark!
When the chocolate is melted and fluid
dip the cooled slices of bacon as you would chocolate covered strawberries
my trick is to scrape some of the chocolate off the back
before laying down on a clean piece of parchment or wax paper
You could also use a new or clean "food only" paint/pastry brush
to brush the chocolate onto one side only
If you want to guild the lily, dip the still wet chocolate
into chopped toasted pecans or slivered almonds.
Let chocolate harden in a cool place or pop into the frig
(pull out for a half an hour before serving to take the chill off)
We actually did a combination of both
A version of this is sold at Roni Sue's
in the Essex Street Market on New York's Lower East Side.
They call it Pig Candy!
Here's one of the lastest trends - as seen in this article on NPRs blog
listen to the NPR radiocast and try some of the recipes below
(courtesy of the NPR blogpost)
Would You Like A Little Bacon In That Martini?
Jamesey's Breakfast Cocktail BACON INFUSED SCOTCH
- 1.5 ounces bacon-infused Compass Box Peat Monster Scotch
- .75 ounce molasses syrup
- .75 ounce lemon juice
- .25 ounce Grand Marnier
Directions: Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange zest.
Minito With Anchovy Tequila
- 1.5 ounces Boquerones cure-infused Blanco Tequila
- 1 ounce Manzanilla sherry
- .25 ounce absinthe
- 2 dashes orange bitters
Directions: Stir. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon zest.
Recently I was reading a post on chowhound.com
and the poster was looking for bacon ice cream
although there was no definitive answer on where to find it commercially,rest assured one will pop up soon.
The New York Post's Bacon Whoppee article reveals more bacon madness around NYC
including bacon infused alcohol and bacon doughnuts
My buddy Cowboy John over in Houston Texas
does some amazing things with bacon.
he created a couple of way cool bacon items
The Bacon Basket
which can be filled with salad
(sort of an inside out BLT)
the Bacon Weave Wrapped Alien Probe
Sausage wrapped around an Anaheim pepper stuffed
Sausage wrapped around an Anaheim pepper stuffed
with cheese wrapped in the bacon weave
and smoked for a couple of hours.
and smoked for a couple of hours.
John calls it manly food but I just call it delicious sounding
Cowboy John really likes to play with his bacon!
Another Catering friend, Mich, in Pennsylvania also likes to play with her food
she created this display of Sugared Bacon Lollipops for a bridal shower
and more recently she created this bacon head hair dressing "thing"
with their sugared bacon lollipops
and cheese and fruit skewers
enhanced with foil strips - kind of the new streaky bacon thing perhaps???
Note: As I find more bacon mania items I am adding them
check out this easy and delicious looking appetizer of Bacon Wrapped Breadsticks from
Stacey Snacks Blog

and for the latest in bacon fashion
there is the BACON BRA -
from Seattle's alternative paper
bacon bra

bacon floss

bacon briefcase for the piggy-licious executive
BA-K-47 - that could be one of the few guns we might covet
bacon-ater - obliterating the world one pig at a time
make your own bacon
great article in an Ohio newspaper complete with Ruhlman recipe
latest update 09-27-09
the New York Vendy Awards dessert award nominees all featured bacon in their sweet treats.
check out this easy and delicious looking appetizer of Bacon Wrapped Breadsticks from
Stacey Snacks Blog

and for the latest in bacon fashion
there is the BACON BRA -
from Seattle's alternative paper
bacon bra

bacon floss

bacon-ater - obliterating the world one pig at a time
make your own bacon
great article in an Ohio newspaper complete with Ruhlman recipe
latest update 09-27-09
the New York Vendy Awards dessert award nominees all featured bacon in their sweet treats.
Vosges Chocolate Shop on Spring Street in Soho NYC has
this fun display in their shop window this fall
Mo's Bacon Bar and Bacon Caramel Toffee
Their window proudly proclaims
...what does taste better with bacon !!